Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Weekend in Delphi

Dephi was amazing - even for my second time being there. I forgot how beautiful and magestic the mountain range is. As we drove through it my ipod played "Indescribale" - it was perfect.

On friday we toured the lower site and then climbed Mt. Parnassus. It was a strenuous hike, but worth it. This is the small group that went up with us. It was fun but took 4 hours - I was exhausted when i got back to the hotel.

This is the view a little less than half way up Mt Parnassus. It was so beautiful, I couldnt help but look at the view as I climbed up the rocky path and then through the prickley mountain oak bushes.

This is at the lower grounds in the lower gymnasium. I am leaning one of Apollo's sacred olive trees. the olives were ripe yet...

Driving into Delphi...

Saturday was dissapointing, there had been a rock fall earlier in the week and they museum hadnt cleaned it up yet so we couldnt go see the Temple.
I was a good weekend none the less. I got home on Saturday night and made tomatoe soup and grilled cheese - it was the ending to a good weekend!

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