We arrived into Amorgos around 1am on Tuesday morning. We were picked up by out pension owner and taken to the pension. We all hoped to pass out, but the room was so cold that non of us slept very well. The next morning we had a cab drive us to the other side of the island (I know that sounds outrageous, but it is a VERY small island and it took like 30 minutes and long cost 25 euro -AND the bus wasnt running since it was the "holy" week before Easter). We checked into Pension Amorgos.
The port of Katapola.
After checking in we went to get lunch "to-go" from the backery and grocery store and layed out on the beach. We ate lunch and relaxed. We had bought some wine to have with our bread, olives, cheese lunch but needed to chill it. So we stuck it in the sand with the waves lapping at it to keep it cool. We later opened it using a bamboo stick - very impressive I know. :)
After laying out we all got tan\burned. Mine was pretty impressive, to give you an idea ... when i was in the nude it look like i was wearing a white bikini. It was pretty ridiculou, except for when Kristi gave me the "camo tan" I have never look so silly. We explored Katapola (about the size of a small town in the middle of nowhere in a midwestern state) but that didnt take long.
On Wednesday we decided that we would see the sites of Amorgos, but we did not realise that the guide books time estimations where for cars. We had been walking probably an hour (all up hill, honestly) when we were trying to decide if we should turn back. Then a car came our way, I stepped in front of it to stop it and asked if we were going in the right directions to the ancient Minoan civilization. Luckily for us, he spoke perfect English (and we later found out he was American). He said we were only about a mile away, but it was all up hill - did we want a lift? My first time hitchhiking and in Europe!!!
The view from where we were picked up.
He told us about the island as he drove us up to the site, then he dropped us off and we parted. About 2 minutes later, I saw a gorgeous view and went to grab my camera from my back pocket ... uh-oh ... it was empty! It fell out of my pocket when we had hitch hiked! FML! FML! FML! Curses of all curses! Terribly upset, I have no more pictures ... the site was pretty cool though. The foundations still well intact. I am pretty sure that it was not open to the public, but no one was there and the sheep had over walked the fence so we went in and explored. As we began the descent down we saw the white van dirve back up, with my camera! All I could do was thank God! And thanks to me, we got a ride back down! :)
Tuesday morning, out ferry left Amorgos as 7am and we arrive in Athens at 3pm. It was a long trip.
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